Proofreading Services


Try before you buy

Urgent deadline?

As part of our general services, we have introduced professional proofreaders to assist you with any work you undertake. This service is designed to not only catch the mistakes that you and your spellchecker miss, but also help you to hone your academic writing skills. Our fees are competitive and we can proofread just about anything! You can even ask for a free sample of our work to see for yourself how much we can improve your writing.

What we do

We offer two levels of pricing, depending on your needs and budget. Our standard turnaround time is three days for less than 5000 words and 5 days for 5000-15000 words. If you have an urgent deadline we can accommodate faster turnarounds. All our proofreading is undertaken by professionals and double-checked by PhD qualified editors for quality assurance.

Standard Proofreading

Proofreading +

proofreading plus

Try before you buy

We offer a free sample to all new customers. All you need to do is submit your essay or a draft of at least 500 words and we’ll show you how we can improve your work (The turnaround time for free samples is 3-5 working days, however this service may be limited during dissertations and MA periods).

Urgent Deadline?

We can accommodate a faster turnaround time if you have a more urgent deadline. Simply contact us with your requirements and relax whilst you wait for our professionals to return your work back to you (Additional charges apply).

Did you know that our proofreaders also work over the weekends? If you have an urgent deadline and it’s the end of the week, get in touch and we guarantee the best service possible to suit your needs!

Example Work

Want to see for yourself? All amendments are tracked using Microsoft Word and suggestions are added as comments so you can see how your work can be improved further.

Standard Proofreading

Proofreading +

Fill out the form for a personalised quote and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.
If it’s urgent and you need a quick turnaround, give us a call.